Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Look at Our New TOY!

Hello Everyone!!!! Sorry its been so long since I last posted! Life has been crazy, and keeping up with my blog isn't very far up on the list of important things to do in a full day. All is going well for Jake and me. Jake is now an assistant driller for Seadrill and is making more money. School is busy, busy for me. I am debating on whether or not to go back to school next fall. If Jake can transfer his navy college fund to me, then I most likely will be carrying a bookbag again (yippie)!!!!
We are super excited with our newest toy we purchased. We bought a recreational travel trailer yesterday! We are hoping that this will provide us with many years of fun and travel in the future. Our first stop will be over Thanksgiving break, and we are looking at visiting Hot Springs, Arkansas. I would love to go white water rafting, hiking, and horse back riding for a couple of days. We will be able to relax and enjoy one anothers company.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Our Trip to Orlando

Jake and I were able to spend a week in Florida back in June, and we had a wonderful time. He was able to fly in from Trinidad and meet me in Orlando. I was going there for the model school conference, so both of us didn't have to pay for our plane tickets (how awesome is that). At first we planned on staying in the hotel that I was suppose to stay in with the school, but decided to get our own place because we were going to have to share that room with 2 of my colleagues. We ended up renting a really nice condo in Kissimmee, and the best part about it...we only paid $99 a night! It had 3 bedrooms, a full kitchen, livingroom, dining room, 2 1/2 baths, and a washer/dryer. It was a steal! Jake surprised me with a convertable rental car, and we cruised the streets of Orlando in style. We spent our days fluttering all around town. We went to downtown Disney, watched movies in real movie theatre, ate out every night, and had the time of our lives. I loved our trip and I love my husband even more...I am so greatful that he has a job that enables him to do things like that with me. We made so many memories that will never be forgotten.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I'M OLD (ok, I'm 23)!!!!

I just celebrated my 23rd birthday on Sunday, and Jake made it so special. Earlier last week, he brought me shopping and gave me a $200 spending limit. I was able to get a lot of new clothes for the start of school. We had so much fun! Jake and I ate pizza, watched movies, and snuggled all day long. HE even made me a cake, and it was so good! I love hime to pieces and couldn't imagine spending my life and the eternities with anyone else!

Our Electronic Age!!!!

Well, we finally have a computer again. Our laptop broke while Jake and I were in Orlando, and we had to send it back to Toshiba to have a new hard drive installed. What's crazy about the whole thing is our laptop isn't even 6 months old. Anyhow, we are just happy that we have it back.

School starts on August 4th, the first day for students is August 8th. I am so excited about this year. They hired a new teacher for the other English I class who is going to a wonderful resource. She and I are the same age, but she actually went to school to be an English teacher, where as I went to school for Elementary Education. She brings new ideas, and I have 2 years of teaching experience under my belt.

Anyhow, I'll post again soon!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

O' the Blessings of Heavenly Father are so WONDERFUL!!!!

Okay, so Jake comes home in T minus 4 days and I couldn't be happier! He has been at work for the past 2 months and I'm ready for some tender-loving-care (wink)! Anyhow, I am so blessed! As most of you know, Jake was suppose to go back to Singapore on his next hitch and work on a different rig. He was also suppose to be promoted to Derrickhand and all in all make a whole lot more money! Well, as things have turned out, he is going to be staying on his current rig which will be located in the Gulf. He will still get his promotion, but not all of the money for working over seas. This might not sound like a very big blessing, but this means that Jake will be home every other two weeks and it will be easier for him to work on his degree through Nichol State. Since he's still getting the promotion we won't take that big of a cut in pay! I look forward to seeing so often. These two months without him home have been really lonely. He's missed our first year aniversary, my dance recital, his Dad's birthday, Father's Day, and not to mention all of the family stuff that's always happening at my Mom's house. The Lord most definently knows each of us personally and knows our indvividual needs!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

End of the School Year

Tomorrow is my last day of school and I have mixed feelings about it. This past Saturday, I lost one of my students in a jet skiing accident and all of her classmates and myself are having a hard time dealing with this tragedy. I am fortunate to have the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation to help me get through this rough time, but most of my students do not! I wish I could just stand in front of them and instead of having an English lesson, teach them about where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. I will continue to be an example and pray that they will notice that I have a strength in my faith that they are missing. Rest in peace Holly!

Outside of all of this turmoil, I am excited about this summer. This upcoming week is going to be crazy! We have our dance recital on June 7th, and I am in the middle of getting my students ready for that. June 15th I am taking LHS Danceline to UDA camp at NSU, and on June 19-26 I will be in Orlando, FL for a teaching conference. June is super crazy, but it will keep me busy. Jake is somewhere in the south Atlantic ocean, and he won't be home until the end of June sometime...I am SO READY!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hey Everyone...

Well, I guess Jake and I are know part of the blogging world! So many of our friends have one of these, that we feel kind of left out of the loop. All is going well with us. Jake has decided to go back to school and will begin his Petroleum Engineering degree with Nichols State University in Thibodeaux, Louisiana the fall. We are super excited and look forward to all the wonderful blessings this next step in our lives will bring. I signed on to teach another year at Leesville High School and also agreed to coach danceline another year (Jake wasn't too excited). Our first year anniversary is coming up on May 5th, and we are looking forward to that fun date. We hope that all is going well with you and that you enjoy are pictures and our blogs!
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