Saturday, June 14, 2008

O' the Blessings of Heavenly Father are so WONDERFUL!!!!

Okay, so Jake comes home in T minus 4 days and I couldn't be happier! He has been at work for the past 2 months and I'm ready for some tender-loving-care (wink)! Anyhow, I am so blessed! As most of you know, Jake was suppose to go back to Singapore on his next hitch and work on a different rig. He was also suppose to be promoted to Derrickhand and all in all make a whole lot more money! Well, as things have turned out, he is going to be staying on his current rig which will be located in the Gulf. He will still get his promotion, but not all of the money for working over seas. This might not sound like a very big blessing, but this means that Jake will be home every other two weeks and it will be easier for him to work on his degree through Nichol State. Since he's still getting the promotion we won't take that big of a cut in pay! I look forward to seeing so often. These two months without him home have been really lonely. He's missed our first year aniversary, my dance recital, his Dad's birthday, Father's Day, and not to mention all of the family stuff that's always happening at my Mom's house. The Lord most definently knows each of us personally and knows our indvividual needs!
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